Inflammation of the joints and muscles is one of the most common causes of pain throughout the world. Most Americans have easy and ready access to modern day medicines to help fight off the affects of achy, painful swollen joints and muscles. Most people in this country believe that if you just pop a pill the pain will go away, but the fact of the matter is that they are not treating the real problem at hand. Some pain relieving medications do not even treat inflammation, which is the root of the problem for stiff and painful joints and parts. People who have arthritis know all too well about this. However, there are ways to work around inflammation without taking a bunch of pain pills.
Nature has provided some great alternatives to fighting inflammation the all-natural way. With a correct diet you can potentially prevent inflammation’s painful grip in the future.
Choosing a poor diet is an easy way to onset inflammation. Over-consumption of processed foods swell and clog everything in the body in time and can be a cause many arthritic and other inflammatory diseases.
Diets that contain heavy fats and processed food are the main culprit in inflammation and need to be greatly reduced. Choosing to eat healthier foods rather than an unhealthy diet of processed foods will greatly reduce pain throughout the entire body. Eating a healthy diet will also aid in the prevention of future occurrences from happening. Choosing a proper diet is one of the best ways of prevention of fighting all common diseases.
Cherries have compounds in them called anthocyanins, the same phytonutrients that give cherries their ruby-rich hue. The compounds contain powerful anti-oxidants that work in two different ways to slow down pain. These compounds help block inflammation and inhibit pain enzymes, which is a great way to prevent and treat arthritis. Eating just one small bowl of this miracle fruit can reduce inflammation by 25 percent. Ginger is a root that aids in curing multiple ailments, such as migraines, nausea, inflammation, arthritis and muscle soreness. Only a small amount, ¼ teaspoon, is needed daily to prevent most of these common problems.
Ginger can be used in a range of drinks and dishes from Asian dishes, teas, smoothies and juices, so be sure to get creative. Salmon, herring and Sardines are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and can help relieve inflammation around the neck and back area. These two areas depend on good blood flow and getting enough nutrients.
Diminished blood flow allows these two areas to degenerate quicker than normal, but the Omega-3 fatty acids in these three fish help prevent inflammation from happening in the blood vessels and nerves. Eating a mere two to three ounces of any of these three tasty fish weekly is enough to keep any inflammation at bay. Turmeric is a spice that has many uses for different ailments, such as achy joints and colitis (inflammation of the colon). Using turmeric not only aid in the prevention of joint inflammation, but it protects against tissue destruction and preserves good nerve cell function, as well. Just one tablespoon daily is all it takes to obtain all the wonderful benefits of this spice. If you are not a big fan of turmeric, try putting it with pepper, these two tastes go hand and hand.
Adding these few items into your diet will greatly improve your chances in preventing future inflammation. These items are also helpful when trying to recover from various sprains and injuries.
Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com