Alcoholism – Fighting Back With Nutrition

Posted on 22 August 2012

“Any treatment [for alcoholism] must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol free”

By Andy Kress

Alcoholism is a chronic disorder, and a growing issue within the LGBT community. Since this is a progressive disease, there is a fine line between being a heavy drinker and a compulsive one—the textbook definition of an alcoholic. The World Health Organization has listed alcoholism as one of the three most deadly killer diseases of the 20th century.

Alcohol, by its very nature is foreign, since it is not a product found in nature. It results from decomposition of fruits, grains and vegetables, and as such belongs to a family of poisons. Ethyl alcohol, the main intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer, and distilled liquor is a toxic drug that depresses the brain and nervous system. Although alcohol is fattening, it isn’t a food and is not changed or digested in any way. It is quickly absorbed in the blood stream and then travels to every part of the body, adversely affecting vital organs like the brain and liver.

There are a few tell tale signs of a true alcoholic, a puffy face and red blood-shot eyes among them. The alcoholic’s voice will be very hoarse and raspy, and they tend to have a rapid pulse, due to the alcohol’s thinning effects on the blood. Often irritable and over-emotional in their actions, many tend to be very suspicious of others. Bouts of delirium and black-outs of time are another chronic symptom. So, too, is repeated vomiting throughout the day.

Since the true alcoholic would rather drink than eat, it is easy for them to become very emaciated, with their skin becoming dehydrated and wrinkled. Because alcoholism is principally a psychological disease, any treatment must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol-free. In its place, the drinking of orange juice multiple times a day serves three purposes: One, the habit of drinking is satisfied; two, the juice helps rehydrate the body; and three, orange juice provides needed vitamins and minerals. A simple multivitamin taken with massive amounts of leafy vegetables are essential, as well, to provide fiber and reintroduce the stomach to processing solid food.

Legumes, starches, pastas and other carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy between meals. Enriched cereals and breads fill the stomach and are a good source of foliate and thiamine. Poultry is low in saturated fats and is a good source of lean protein to help build and repair muscles that have been damaged through inactivity. Poultry is often mild in taste and easy to digest.

Seafood is another protein that is lower in fats and cholesterols; this will help aid in the body’s muscle retention. Seafood is also loaded with many vitamins and minerals lost in the over consumption of alcohol. Lean pork is another fine choice when fighting the effects of alcoholism. Pork has a variety of different vitamins and minerals than chicken or seafood, as well as being a good source of healthy protein.

If you know or are related to an alcoholic, remember there is a good chance that they won’t be reading this article, since their word-mind association process is impaired by their disease. Share the information freely, knowing that you are helping to save someone’s life. You may even be saving lives more than you know, since drunk drivers are a major threat to innocent victims on our highways.

















Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at

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One Response to “Alcoholism – Fighting Back With Nutrition”

  1. Robert Scardino says:

    Thanks for a good article, Andy, especially noting the chronic and progressive aspects of alcohol dependence. I’m glad you’re focusing on nutrition, including proper hydration. A holistic approach to the problem of alcoholism and other addictions should include nutrition, hydration, and healthful activities such as exercise and support.

    I’d like to give a plug to SMART Recovery, a self-empowering recovery support group. We have two SMART meetings at the Pride Center at Equality Park: One on Monday night at 730 and one on Thursday night at 630.

    Thanks again, Andy, for bringing this issue to the forefront.

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