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Florida Newsline 6-14-2012

Posted on 14 June 2012

Jeb Bush: Gay Parents Should Not “Be Discriminated Against”
MIAMI – Former Gov. Jeb Bush told interviewer Charlie Rose last week that although his brother—former President George W. Bush—supported a Constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage while he was chief executive, the younger brother and son of two U.S. presidents thinks that America needs all kinds of examples of good parenting.

While saying that he personally opposes same sex marriage, Bush told Rose, “I don’t think people need to be discriminated against because they don’t share my belief on this, and if people love their children with all their heart and soul, and that’s what they do, and that’s how they organize their life, that should be held up as examples for others to follow because we need it. We desperately need it and that can take all sorts of forms, it doesn’t have to take the one that I think should be sanctioned under the law.”

School Officials Cave to Legal Pressure, Permit Students to Form Gay-Straight Alliance
OCALA – On Friday, Ocala School Superintendent Jim Yancey—responding to the pressure of a pending lawsuit, and the possibility of a federal court injunction—announced that he will permit two students to start a Gay-Straight Alliance at Vanguard High School. In a statement, Yancey cited Florida case law and the likelihood of extensive legal fees in reversing his earlier decision to deny the request from Dylan Lee and Sarah Kirk to form the club.

Yancey and officials looked at the results of similar lawsuits in other Florida school districts. The Okeechobee County schools district was ordered to pay $325,000 in legal fees following a similar decision. The statement said that students who are interested in joining the Gay-Straight Alliance must get written parental permission, and noted that “discussions at club meetings cannot focus on sexual content, and the faculty advisor must attend all meetings.”

Former Gov. Crist Denies Allegations He Paid Men to Hide Gay Affairs
TAMPA – Former Gov. Charlie Crist is angrily denying charges that he paid two men in order to hide alleged homosexual affairs. Crist told Tampa television station WTSP that the charges, which were revealed in documents relating to an investigation of former Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer, are “a bunch of delusional lies.” The investigation of Greer concerns allegations that he conducted a secret fundraising effort that resulted in close to $200,000 of campaign money going directly to Greer and the Florida Republican Party’s executive director.

According to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Investigative Report, “[Crist’s former attorney, Damon] Chase had contacted [Crist’s employer, John] Morgan … to set up a time wherein Chase could depose Crist. [Chase] indicated to Morgan that if he (Chase) had to take Crist’s deposition, Crist was not going to like what Chase asked as it would contain embarrassing things and would be used to impeach his testimony. When Morgan inquired what embarrassing things Chase was referring to, Chase indicated that he would be forced to impeach Crist by addressing [that] Charlie Crist was a homosexual, and had homosexual relationships with at least two men who were paid to leave the state to avoid embarrassing then-Gov. Crist. 2. Gov. Crist kissed or attempted to kiss Greer at a hotel in Beverly Hills, California. 3. Governor Crist’s drunken escapades, and how Governor Crist’s security detail had to cover for him. 4. Governor Crist attempting to run people over while intoxicated and operating a golf cart.” Greer is expected to stand trial on July 30.

Japanese Name Not “Lucky” for Restaurant Request Denied on “Immoral” Grounds
WEST PALM BEACH – The owner of a West Palm Beach eatery is decrying his bad luck after state officials denied his request for a trademark on his restaurant’s name on the grounds that the moniker in question is “immoral.” Paul Ardaji, whose previous experience includes operating Morimoto restaurants in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., applied for a trademark on the name “Fuku,” which means good fortune, wealth, and prosperity in Japanese. In refusing the trademark request, officials said the name “includes immoral, deceptive, or scandalous” material.

Vita Adds Treece Financial to His C.V.
MIAMI- Michael Vita, a past member of the board of directors for the Miami-Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC), has joined Treece Financial Group as Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Vita, who served as the Secretary/Treasurer for MDGLCC, will be responsible for developing strategies and themes for media relations, seminars, and promotional materials. Treece Financial Group is a gay-owned and operated financial services and investment advisory firm, specializing in issues relating to the LGBT Community.

Archidezigns Hosts Grand Opening in Wilton Manors
WILTON MANORS – On Friday, June 8, Archidezigns held a Grand Opening at its 2214 North Dixie Highway offices. The new architectural firm and art gallery brings an extension of the Art and Entertainment district to Dixie Highway with the inclusion of gallery space to showcase local artists.

“Our mission is to design spaces that enhance people’s lives, not only by the practicality of using it, but also by creating landmarks which can be appreciated by every person forming part of the connecting web of community,” said owner Zulay Marti.  In support of the arts, Archidezigns will provide workshops for artists at heart, who have a desire to express themselves on canvas, in a relaxed atmosphere.

Images from the ArchideZigns Gallery Opening in Wilton Manors: (R to L) Julie Carson, Wilton Manors City Commissioner; Krishan Manners, President/CEO of Wilton Manors Main Street; Sofia Arguimbau and Zulay Marti, Owners of ArchideZigns; Tom Green, Wilton Manors City Commissioner; Heidi Shafran, Director of Community Development

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