Author Presents “From Homeless to Housing” Fundraiser for LGBT Youth

Posted on 04 May 2012

FORT LAUDERDALE – Deon Davis, the author of “I’ll Find A Way,” a book that chronicles her personal journey as the mother of a gay son, will be the featured speaker at a fundraiser next month with the goal to raise contributions for the establishment of a safe house for homeless LGBT youth. Davis, whose son Rashad came out to her when he was 15 years old, says that homeless gay youths comprise “a large percentage of our homeless population, but due to the intensity of its nature, they are not reported as” being gay.

The author also plans to establish a not-for-profit foundation, named after her book, with a “mission to get these beautiful young adults off the streets and into a safe house.”

Although Davis’s relationship with her son was stronger for his having come out to her, she notes that other gay teens “are not that blessed, and that is why we must step in and help our beautiful homeless gay community youth and young adults.”

To this end, Davis will host a fundraiser on Saturday, May 19 at PJ’S Corner Pocket (924 N. Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale), starting at 7:00 p.m. Davis says that the evening will include dancing, karaoke, fun, food, a private auction, and a raffle. A minimum donation of $5 is requested. For more information, visit

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