Jackson’s Action: Community Needs to Lose Weight

Posted on 29 March 2012

Jackson’s Action: Community Needs to Lose Weight

OAKLAND PARK – A local health and fitness entrepreneur is throwing down the gauntlet, metaphorically speaking, to motivate residents to shed their excess weight, and to do it for a good cause. “One in three Americans is either overweight or obese, making us the fattest nation in the world,” says Peter Jackson of Push Fitness.

To get residents off their couches and onto their feet, Jackson has organized the “Body Beach Challenge.”

“This is a grassroots effort to get people in our community to lose weight safely and make changes to live a healthier lifestyle,” Jackson says.

The Body Beach Challenge is an eightweek- long community-wide weight loss program targeting men, women and children aged 15 to 80 years old, whom Jackson would like to see shed their excess weight. The Challenge will kick off on April 7 and run through June 2–just in time for the arrival of summer.

Part of the event’s proceeds will benefit the 2012 Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival. In addition, prizes will be awarded to the winners.

Jackson says his goal is to set up the participants to succeed, with an April 7 initial meeting at Push Fitness, at 1098 Floranada Road in Oakland Park. Participants will have their weight recorded and body fat measured. Those measurements will be taken again on Saturday, June 2. The individual with the most dramatic improvement— which will include average weight loss and body fat percentage decrease–will be declared the winner, with the grand prize including a $400 personal training package at Push Fitness.

“The $25 registration fee benefits the 2012 Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival,” notes Jackson. Those who take part will also receive a Body Transformation Guide with weight loss and healthy living guidelines, as well as a spiral bound Daily Exercise and Nutrition Guidebook. For more information and to register, visit pushfitnessftl.com.

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