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Homophobic Rant to Become “30 Rock” Episode

Posted on 23 January 2012

HOLLYWOOD, CA – Comedian Tracy Morgan’s homophobic rant will become a plotline in an upcoming episode of the NBC comedy “30 Rock.” Morgan caused backlash from LGBT rights groups after he made derogatory, homophobic statements during a standup routine in Nashville last summer. Morgan later issued an apology and the controversy blew over.

Many of the plot lines of “30 Rock” episodes mirror events from the producers’ and actors’ real lives. In the plot, Tina Faye’s character writes Morgan’s apology for their fictional show, in which Morgan says that he’s not a homophobe, just an idiot. The apology causes NBC to be picketed by both LGBT rights groups and idiots. MSNBC’s openly gay news anchor Thomas Roberts will also make a cameo appearance.

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