Don’t Let the Holidays Put a Humbug on Your Training Routine!

Posted on 30 December 2011

By Tom Bonanti

Ahh!  The holidays are upon us!  Before you make your list and check it twice, prior to indulging in your first holiday party, do me one favor. Make a resolution not to let your fitness goals suffer by becoming lax with your training.
Of course you can’t turn down every invitation just to keep your bodybuilding regime. But you do need to be aware of your potential to slide, and plan for those situations. Have some fun over the holidays, but don’t overdue it. Remember, it’s not uncommon for most guys to pack on a whopping 5 to 10 pounds during this season of yuletide cheer!

Use moderation when drinking and by all means avoid the costly and even deadly mistake of drinking and driving. Make healthy choices at the buffet table. Don’t let holiday stress or lack of time keep you from training. Here are some pointers to help you stay strong, fit and in control in spite of the holiday havoc ahead.

1. Exercise first! Worried that you won’t have time to squeeze in your workout? Consider shifting your training. Evenings and weekends are too busy with obligations

? Try weights and cardio first thing in the morning. You may have to get up earlier, but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve jumpstarted your metabolism and burned off some serious calories.

2. Consolidate your workouts. Train two body parts with a continuous superset technique. For instance, you can train your tris and bis with alternating sets. Pair dumbbell curls with dumbbell triceps extensions for three to four sets. Work at one station with the same weight if you can, so as not to waste time changing weights.

3. Kick some ass! You may not have a full hour to train because of errands and obligations, but you can have a kick-ass workout in 20-30 minutes. The key here is to use less weight and perform more reps and sets in rapid succession. Move from station to station quickly and avoid distractions.

4. Recuperate. Take the holiday season off. Many pro bodybuilders follow a tough five months-on, one month-off routine. One of the best ways to build muscles is to give them a chance to rest, recover and grow; but remember, stay active and eat wisely.

5. Train on the road. One of the biggest problems during the holidays and even at other times of the year, when you are traveling, is a lack of access to a gym. Consider joining a gym for a day. Training for a day or two in another gym can be inspiring!

6. Simplify Workouts. If you’re on the road and you can’t get to the gym, you can still do crunches, lunges and leg lifts for the abs and butt. Try using your own body weight to do push ups and chair dips for chest and tris. Use the stairs when traveling or sightseeing.

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