Everything Changes

Posted on 07 December 2011

Dave Griffiths

They say there are two constants in this world – death and taxes.

Well, there is another constant in this universe – change.

As humans, we are able to adapt and take on the challenges that are put in front of us. We, as a species, have learned to adapt over thousands of years. From single-celled organisms, to apes, and we have grown to become what we now call ourselves – Homo sapiens. We continue to learn, grow, and change.

As homosexuals in this world, we too have learned to adapt. We have stepped out of the shadows of the dark alleys where we used to cruise, and we can now walk down the streets out in the open. We celebrate our pride and coming-out days. We remember those who we’ve lost, and we walk to support those who can’t walk on days like World AIDS Day. On this past December 1, approximately two thousand caring people came out to show their support for their loved ones and to continue the fight to find a cure.

We have adapted to this fight. Rather than hide away and die, we come out in droves to show that we aren’t afraid of this disease, and we will no longer stand for ignorance and discrimination. Our lives have changed, as we now have strength in numbers.

Change comes when you least expect it. You rarely notice small changes until something bigger happens to point them out to you. Like those times when you put on your old jeans, only to find that they don’t really fit you anymore. Time to hit the gym! Or when you see an old friend.  “My how they have changed! Or is it me?”

Unfortunately, most changes come quickly and unexpectedly. You never see them coming! Recently, a dear friend’s home burnt down and he lost everything. Photos and memories–all gone in a flash. It was great to see how our friends came together and stepped up to help get our friend back on his feet. People donated clothing, dishes, and even a bed to help him out. It was incredible to see that one human trait has not and will not change–our capacity for caring and love.

How you handle change is an important lesson to learn in life. With our lives hanging in the balance each and every day– foreclosures, break-ups, losing jobs, and family tragedies. We are constantly dealing with the changes that are going on around us.

So don’t be afraid of change. Embrace it! $#*+ happens and you will feel like you have more control over the situation when you face it head on. Don’t run away from it, because often times, that just makes it worse. One thing that has helped me focus more on the positive and helps guide me through my daily life, was reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. (If you’re not a reader, the DVD is available at www.thesecret.tv) The book explains that our thoughts become actions and what you put out into the universe does come back to you. So if you keep on putting out negative thoughts, these are the actions that you will attract. The same goes for positive thoughts. This is known as “The Law of Attraction.”

Each and every day, I try to remember…

• Do something good and good things will come back to you
• Remember, everything happens for a reason
• Everything always works out in the end

So no matter what life tries to throw at you, over the next few weeks, take some time to do something good for someone you wouldn’t normally think of. It could be the Janitor at work, or the homeless guy on the curb. If we all took a moment of our time each day to do something nice for someone less fortunate than ourselves, just think of all the great changes we may be able to make in this world!

Change starts with just one thought. Its what we do with those thoughts that can change the world. You know what they say… Be the change that you want to see in this world!

This holiday season, my wish for you is to stay positive—regardless of change.







Dave Griffiths is the Editor and Creative Director of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at Editor@FloridaAgenda.com

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One Response to “Everything Changes”

  1. Steve Quinlan says:

    Regarding this article and “Broken Glass”, please spare us your quack spiritual bromides and banal advice on how to live our lives. The so called Laws of Attraction are not laws at all (please provide me with some proof that “everything happens for a reason”, or that “Everything always works out in the end”.) This last one is so demonstrably false that I fail to see how any moderately intelligent person can spout such nonsense.

    Really, just some news and feature articles would be all that is required. This constant preaching to us about what we should believe and how we should live is really wearing a bit thin.

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