The Q What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Posted on 23 November 2011

Rocky Bowell – Manager of Pride Factory
I’m thankful for the continued success of Pride Factory especially during these bad economic times.



Julie Pohlig – Retired
I’m thankful for my friends, family and my health.




Scott M. –
Student Manager
I’m thankful for my friends, family and having a job in this horrible economy.




Dale Madison –
Fundraising Coordinator for Poverello
I am so thankful for my true friends who have stood by me through all of the trials and tribulations.



Joe McConnell – Retired
I just lost my partner and I’m thankful for the 35 years we’ve had together.





Tom Villano –
Retired Teacher
I’m very thankful for my good and loving partner and two daughters. I’m also thankful to have a comfortable lifestyle here in Wilton Manors.




Bradley James –
Seeking Employment
I’m thankful to be alive and breathing.




Wolf Gann –
Manager at CopyThis
I am thankful for seeing the many blessings life provides every day. I’m thankful life’s many distractions and dark hours can’t blind the good in humanity. Most of all, I’m thankful to the many friends, workers and business owners in Wilton Manors who have shown me true kindness, friendship and love.


Albert Cortes –
Floral Designer
In these hard times, we often wonder what is there to be thankful for

? Remember that there are people worse off than you and may need a favor. Do that favor for someone that needs it. It brings us closer together and gives us yet another thing to be thankful for.




Albert Taylor –Health Coordinator
I am thankful for good health and reaching my goals in the year 2011. I am thankful for the new friendships and new love this Thanksgiving. I am very proud to be part of the Wilton Manors community and hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

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