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Bigger, Beefier Biceps By Christmas!

Posted on 23 November 2011

By Tom Bonanti

Over the past few weeks, I have received several requests from clients and avid readers of Mark Magazine and the Florida Agenda to write a column on how to get bigger biceps. Since biceps are the smallest muscles of the anterior upper body, they are the easiest to work and develop almost immediately. They are also a favorite to show off and flex, not that anyone I know would ever be into such a shallow display of vanity. Anyway, here’s the lowdown on how to get bulging beefier biceps by Christmas!

First, if you want to put on size, do free-weight exercises. Using barbells, E-Z curl bars, and dumbbells will give you a better chance to take your biceps through their full range of motion

and fill out the muscle bellies. Hit biceps twice a week employing three different exercises using 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Second, I never work biceps on the same day that I work the back, because by the time you’ve really exhausted lats and traps, etc. you’re not going to give biceps your all. Try working shoulders with biceps because neither muscle group suffers with that combination.
Third, make sure to lift using proper form as with training any muscle group, to prevent injury. Don’t try to lift too much weight or do too many reps.
Fourth, stretching helps bring out the separation and detail in a muscle beside being great for your whole body. Stretch briefly before your workout, periodically between sets, and always afterward.

Here are four sure-fire bicep exercises.

Standing barbell curls are the king of all bicep-building exercises. With you feet hip width apart and your knees slightly bent, take a shoulder width grip on a barbell or E-Z curl bar and then fully extend both arms in front of you. Keep your abs tight and back straight. When you start the exercise use a hinge motion, keeping the areas from your shoulders to your elbows locked so that the only movement taking place is from your elbows to your wrists. Bring the weighted bar up to your chest, and then return the weight along the same path in one smooth, continuous motion. Perform this exercise without rocking or swinging your shoulders and back. This exercise is a sure way to take bi’s through their full range of motion.

Alternate dumbbell curls allow you to give each bicep its due. Perform the movement sitting erect on a bench and first curling one dumbbell up to your chin; then, as you lower it, curl the other arm. Lower slowly and don’t swing the weights up with any added motion.

Preacher or Scott curls are my favorite way to isolate bi’s. Adopt a position with your arms over a preacher (Scott) bench. Hold either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. Curl up to the chin, and then lower slowly – without bouncing or jerking.

Under-grip close-hand chin ups are a terrific biceps building exercise with a difference. Instead of the arm moving from the body, your body gets curled toward the arm. Grasp an overhead horizontal bar with an under grip so that your pinkies are 6-12 inches apart. Start from “dead hang” position with arms entirely straight, pull upwards until your chin is above the bar.

There you have it – the ammo you need to load those guns to the max! For more tips on how to develop bigger arms, contact


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Email: Facebook: TrainerTomB.

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- who has written 3265 posts on Florida Agenda.

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One Response to “Bigger, Beefier Biceps By Christmas!”

  1. Who is the man in the picture? I sure wouyld like to meet him./

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