Marines Okay with Gay Marines Bringing Their Partners to Marine Corps Ball

Posted on 28 October 2011

ARLINGTON, VA – Marine Com-mandant General. James Amos, who strongly opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” last year, told NPR’s “Morning Edition” last week that he is “very proud” of how the Marines have handled the repeal of the policy last month. “I’m very pleased now,” Amos said and explained that his previous statements in support of the ban were expressing the hesitancy for change within the Marine Corps.

Think Progress reported that Amos also came out in support of gay Marines bringing their same-sex partners to the Marine Corps Ball:

NPR: How comfortable are you with the idea of a gay couple showing up?

AMOS: I’m fine with it. I expect it to happen; I expect it to happen across the Marine Corps. And I mean, that’s part of the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ You can’t go half way.

You can’t say we’re going to repeal it and you now can become public, but I’m going to restrict your behavior. We’re not going to do business that way.”

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