PayPal Ends Online Extremist Site Support

Posted on 15 September 2011

SAN JOSE, CA – PayPal, which has made it easy to raise funds over the internet, has started to enforce its rules concerning organizations which condone “hate, violence, and racial intolerance.” Paypal, according to All Out, has suspended the accounts of ten hate groups.

Among the groups: Abiding Truth Ministries (International – Extremist group that makes the outrageous claim that “the Nazi Party was entirely controlled by militaristic homosexuals); New Generation Ministries (Latvia/ International – Extremist church based in Latvia with branches in 15 different countries. The church’s members have been tied to the homophobic murder of Satendar Singh.

In one video, at an anti-LGBT rally, church leader Alexy Ledyaev said, “homosexuals are not happy or spiritual people, because they were molested and abused in their childhoods, but that does not give them the right to abuse and rape others!”); Noua Dreapta (Romania/Balkans – Ultra-nationalist group that has been linked to organizing demonstrations and planning violent attacks on gay pride celebrations in Romania and Moldova); Truth in Action Ministries (formally Coral Ridge Ministries, Fort Lauderdale, FL – Extremist church that spreads anti-LGBT lies such as “bible-believing Christians would quickly find themselves unwelcome in Barney Frank’s new pansexual, cross-dressing military”); Dove World Outreach Ministries (United States – Infamous “Burn the Quran” hate church whose pastor preaches that “homosexuality makes God throw up”); Julio Severo’s Last Days Watchman Site (US/Brazil – Brazilian anti-LGBT leader and writer/ideologue who fled Brazil after LGBT activists brought a lawsuit against him for incitement of hatred. Severo regularly repeats the lie that 10% of gay people are pedophiles, and goes further to say that most gay men “drink urine, swallow feces and experience rectal traumas on a regular basis” while they are “drunk, stoned or in orgies”); Faithful Word Baptist Church (United States – This church’s pastor, Steven L. Anderson, has described gays as “sodomites” who “recruit through rape” and “recruit through molestation”); Family Research Institute (United States – Known for saying that gay people are predatory and diseased perverts who victimize children); Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (United States – This group claims homosexuality is a both “lethal behavior addiction” and a “dangerous” practice that is “neither normal nor benign”); American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property (International – International Catholic extremist group originating in Brazil and with active branches in Argentina and the United States. They are known for organizing homophobic rallies all over the United States and buying advertising asking people to “join the Crusade” of “conscientious resistance” to “the homosexual ‘moral revolution.’”).

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