Things That Go Cough in the Night “Contagion”
Dolce & Gabbana’s Fall/Winter 2011 Menswear Collection Revisits the 80?s, 90?s and Today
The Insatiable Narcotic of Fame “As Bees in Honey Drown”
Stop Spinning Your Wheels – Maximize Your Workouts By Avoiding Bad Habits
In this week’s Style & Entertainment
we look to one of fashion’s top decadent
duos, Dolce & Gabbana for the
definitive menswear of 2011 in Style,
Michael French calls for national legislation
for regulating cell phone use while
driving in Home and we sample the hip
flavorful delights of Tee-Jay Thai Sushi
on Wilton Drive in Dining.
Warren Day looks at a hot new play starring
equity theatre actors in his review of
“As Bees in Honey Drown” in Theatre and
he also takes us along a journey of the fear
of a cough whilst looking at the new film
“Contagion” in Film. Tom B onanti sheds
some light
on the biggest timewasters and
moves that can cause injury at the gym in
Fitness and Jean Doherty lets us be the
chef with the supremely delicate use of
truffles in Recipe.
We also have your favorites, Out in
Florida and our State-wide Bar Guide.
Enjoy! H – AV