Letters to the Editor

Posted on 28 July 2011

In response to Editor’s Opinion “Split the Difference?” in the July 14th Issue of the Florida Agenda.

Dear Editor,
How are you this morning? I am feeling great after reading the wonderful comments you made in the newspaper.  You talked about the “friends” who love to take advantage of their real friends; we have a lot of those in Ft. Lauderdale. I have already sent a photocopy   to one of my dear friends, hoping that they will reflect on it .Great comments! I love you more and love the Florida Agenda. Please keep mentioning things like this, it will help to improve the relationships in the community.

Thank you so much.
L. Montaya

I would like to commend you for your excellent editorial – “Split the Difference”.  We have encountered so many situations similar to those that you described in detail.  The appeal of organizing a positive social gathering has been greatly diminished by the “me first” attitude that is so often demonstrated these days. Greed and gluttony and, in other cases, parsimonious behavior, so often destroy what had been an enjoyable gathering until the bill arrives.  Thank you for discussing this boorish behavior.

Making and keeping friends becomes even more difficult when people act without considering others.

K. D. Gerhard

In response to the artcile “Taxpayer Dollars Wasted? Penis Study Puts Government In Hot Water” in the July 21st Issue of the Florida Agenda.

Dear Editor,
Since the paper wasn’t published in an open-access journal, regular Joe Taxpayer has to pay the publisher to be able to read the results his 9.4 million in tax dollars supposedly were used to produce. If I’m being robbed at gunpoint by the IRS to study penis sizes I should at least be able to read the raw results without needing to belong to a university.
Irwin. S

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