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Over 100 Michigan Law Graduates Walk Out on Commencement Speech

Posted on 12 May 2011

Over 100 Michigan Law Graduates Walk Out on Commencement Speech

ANN ARBOR, MI – According to Think Progress, more than 100 University of Michigan law school graduates walked out of their commencement ceremonies during an address by anti-gay Ohio Senator Rob Portman.

Outside of the auditorium, guests attending the event were handed a pamphlet explaining the protest. More than half of the graduates wore rainbow ribbon on their gowns showing solidarity with graduates who would be affected by Portman’s votes in the U.S. Senate. The pamphlet also contained a letter from more than 200 previous Michigan Law alumni which stated:

“Senator Portman, in public life, has actively worked to deny some members of the graduating class their civil rights … Our objection is not a political one … rather we are concerned about the message Michigan Law is sending by giving an anti-gay rights speaker the honor of marking what should be a joyful occasion.”

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