ALBANY, NY – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has recorded a robo-call supporting marriage equality in the state. In the call, the governor says:
“Hello, I’m Governor Andrew Cuomo.
There is a pressing issue of basic fairness and civil rights in New York … and that is marriage equality. Without the ability to marry, same-sex couples and their families are denied over one thousand federal and state rights, such as visiting a spouse in a hospital in the event of illness.
It makes same-sex couples second-tier citizens who receive less protection and have fewer rights than others.
This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is a question of New York going forward or backward.
It’s hard to imagine today, but at one time in this country it was illegal for blacks and whites to marry each other. We have come a long way and now it is time to go further — to achieve marriage equality for all New Yorkers. I urge you to call your State legislators and ask them to vote for equality – marriage equality – for all New Yorkers.
Thank you.”
The robo-call is being paid for by the state’s Democratic State Committee.