Credit Union Steps in the Help Father Bill

Posted on 01 April 2011

WILTON MANORS, FL – Gary Yamnitz, branch manager of the Wilton Manors office of the City County Credit Union, helped close the gap to purchase a previously owned automobile for Father Bill Collins, founder of the Poverello Center and Thrift Store.

Last December, Johnny’s Bar general manager and promoter, A.J. Cross, heard Father Bill lost his car in a car accident and, recognizing that the humanitarian and Jesuit priest needed a car in order to continue his work, held several fundraisers. The efforts fell far short of the $18,000 needed to purchase a new car from Maroone Ford. At that time, Yamnitz made a donation for the car in the name of the credit union.
Yamnitz contacted the Vice President of the Credit Union, Jennifer Burns who, in turn, discussed the situation with the credit union’s CEO, Lloyd Gill. The three put together a plan to get the priest into a 2009 Toyota Camry at no additional cost using just the money collected by purchasing the car though one of the credit union’s subsidiaries, AutoBranch.

The City County Credit Union waived all fees and covered the difference of almost $6,000 for the car.  They also purchased a 3-year warranty on the vehicle.

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