Pride University: Spring Quarter Begins

Posted on 24 March 2011

Pride University: Spring Quarter Begins

Yvonne Rohrbacher to Lead 10-week Small Business Education Program

Pride University at the Pride Center is going to be running a small business owner or manager skills series this spring, beginning Saturday April 16 and running from 1-3PM for 10 sessions. The sessions will be led by Yvonne Rohrbacher who, presently has worked for four years as Vice President of Performance and Training for a group of 8 companies, including a franchise system of 150 separate small businesses.

Her library of skills and knowledge has expanded to run the entire business cycle of a small business. Her program takes a new owner from planning a start up to long term profitability and all of the “parts” that make that up, including technical and sales training for the employees. She manages and plans for the Training and Field Support departments including 6 direct reports and at least 10 various “internal partners” and “external vendors” to leverage success for her franchisees in every business discipline.

Past credentials include middle management at AT&T, creation and management of a 20-trainer training department at an AT&T affiliate, ownership of a publishing business, and Cox Enterprises as sales manager and training manager. In these corporate positions, Yvonne trained hundreds in sales, management, basic speaking and training skills, and various technical skills. Yvonne pursued even more credentials in training in 2005, and she became certified as a consultant and trainer by the Dale Carnegie Training organization, a franchised business.

Yvonne has designed and presented workshops at the FAU Medical Practice Business Manager Track, Palm Beach County Business Development Board, Business Professional Group, Ad Club of Fort Lauderdale, Women in Network, the Florida State convention for the Direct Marketing Association, L’Mack networking lunches, City of Pembroke Pines Economic Development Board, Leadership Fort Lauderdale, Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, and many more.

Yvonne believes constant learning is the key to her success as a performance pro. The Spring Quarter begins on  April 11 and ends on June 18, 2011.

Keys for Successful Business Owners and Managers

Small business owners are the backbone of our country! You don’t need an MBA to dream of running a successful small business, but where do you get educated on the crucial skills to do so? The reason for this course is to address the most typical perceived skill needs in small business owners , according to various surveys and the SBA (2009 web article).

1. Strategic Planning
2. Prioritization and time use
3. Communication and Negotiation
4. Sales
5. Employee selection, training and managing

Week 1 – How to Exceed Customer Expectations
Week 2 – Negotiating to Win
Week 3 – How to Hire, Train and Reward Employees
Week 4 – A Question of Evidence: The Behavior-Based Interview
Week 5 – Developing a Time Investment Strategy
Week 6 – Using Strategic Thinking to Improve Strategic Planning
Week 7 – How to Deal with Difficult Customers
Week 8 – The 70-Minute Hour
Week 9 – Effective Planning: A Seven-Step Formula
Week 10 – Sales: building a Sales Process that works

Yvonne Rohrbacher Saturday, 1:00PM – 3:00PM. Cost: Non-members $125 Members $95. Please provide your Pride Center membership number. For more information, contact

One Response to “Pride University: Spring Quarter Begins”

  1. Yvonne Rohrbacher Thanks so much Kevin and FLorida Agenda! I have gotten permission to offer a “trial run” for anyone who wants to come to the first session before deciding to pay, come on in! If you want to come to the rest of the sessions, you can register and pay afterwards.

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