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Help Make Vision 2015 a Reality

Posted on 18 March 2011

The Pride Center’s capital campaign effort is called “Vision 2015” and is led by Team 2015 Chair, Doug Tinklepaugh. Vision 2015 charts our course to achieve a debt-free Center, by the end of 2015. Forty percent of the $4.75 million purchase price of our new Center has already been paid.

Through Vision 2015 we will engage donors at a variety of levels to contribute annually for the next five years, resulting in a debt-free Center.

In addition to naming and recognition opportunities for larger donors, the campaign’s Visionary Club level makes it easy for almost anyone to contribute. “The Visionary Club invites 1,000 people to donate $1,000 per year for five years. At this affordable level, we can include everyone in providing a debt-free Center for generations to come.” states Mr. Tinklepaugh.

An automatic, tax deductible credit card donation of less than $90 per month, puts you in the driver’s seat of making Vision 2015 a reality.

For information about Vision 2015 donating and volunteering opportunities, please contact Jason Burns, Major Gifts Officer at

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