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More Rob Kohl Victims Come Forward

Posted on 17 March 2011

FORT LAUDERDALE – Agenda reported last week Robert Kohl had been arrested on charges of fraud.

In a new development Jean Doherty of Le Patio restaurant has come forwards as a result of the article. In November last year, Kohl and a friend went to the Le Patio Restaurant off Wilton Drive and claimed they wanted to film a free documentary about diversity.

Weeks later, some customers came to Le Patio for dinner, they presented Jean with a 50% off voucher they had bought from a website called Jean assured them that the voucher was fraudulent and apologized for not being able to honor it. She went online checked out the details and found the company ‘Metro Media Works Inc’ had an office in Oakland Park. She got there and the secretary gave her a number to call. The man she spoke with was Chris Caputo, another victim of Kohl’s.

He apologized profusely and promised to go the restaurant that evening at 5pm. He arrived with Kohl in tow. He explained there had been a misunderstanding, and Kohl produced what he claimed to be a contract, signed by Jean’s partner of 24 years. When she examined it she could see it was clearly not Vero’s signature. Both men insisted Vero had signed the contract. Vero speaks little English and Doherty is sure they took advantage of that fact. She told them that she was going to go to the police. At this point Kohl produced an envelope, explaining he had a check for her. She explained pointedly that what they had done was fraudulent and that she didn’t want any part of it and showed them the door.

Jean did go to WM Police department but did not report the crime. Mr. Caputo reached out to Miss Doherty via Facebook to apologies for the incident and to inform her of the fact Kohl had stolen checks from him.

The police are very interested in getting any more information they can on victims of Rob Kohl. Please contact the police department of the city the crime occurred.

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- who has written 202 posts on Florida Agenda.

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