FORT LAUDERDALE- Author, community activist and former board chair of The Stonewall Library Museum and Archives, Nate Klarfeld, recently launched a blogtalk radio program, “Stonewall Live!” After spending many years organizing book talks and author signings at The Stonewall, Klarfeld felt a wider audience could share gay literature and culture with the new medium of Internet radio. Started just a few weeks ago, the show has already attracting American Library Association book award winners, editors of national magazines and media and TV personalities.
Best selling, openly gay author of one of the hottest selling self help books, “The Brain Mechanic”, Spencer Lord was one of the first guests. Sean Strub, founder of POZ magazine and an early leader of the HIV activist movement, ACT-UP recently did a great interview. In the upcoming weeks look for Reichen Lemkuhl from Logo’s ‘The A List’, Great Britain’s new ‘It Boy’ Emmanuel Ray, as well as authors of Young Adult gay literature, bloggers, and new media experts.
The show is live on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET with an interactive call-in and chat room for questions and comments.
For more information: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stonewalllive