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Stonewall Library Changes Name FORT LAUDERDALE -

Posted on 04 March 2011

To better reflect the size and scope of the organization, Fort Lauderdale’s Stonewall Museum and Archives has changed their name to the Stonewall National Museum & Archive. The Stonewall National Museum is the first of its kind in the United States and was the first to organize and circulate traveling exhibitions focused on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender history. Also they were the first to have a permanent exhibition space dedicated to the history of the GLBT community in the United States from 1850 to the present.

Founded in 1973 as one of the first gay libraries in the country, Stonewall has developed, through the years into one of the most significant and reliable sources of information on the LGBT communities in the country. While Stonewall’s vast lending library will continue to be a part of its service to local community, what makes Stonewall unique today is its collection of historic artifacts and their credibility as a reliable chronicler and educator of the LGBT culture.

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