Miss Richfield 1981, the Midwestern maven is winning over theater and cabaret audiences around the country with an interactive format that combines homespun warmth and edgy improv, leaving audiences in hysterics with a truly original performance.
She will be bringing her ’30 Years on the Throne’ tour to Fort Lauderdale on the 18th and 19th of March.
Agenda caught up with her…..
Who is Miss Richfield? What’s she all about?
I am a Beauty Queen and I am always representing my community. I was Miss Richfield July 4th 1981. That’s what the show is about sweetie, my life so I can’t give too much away. So let’s just say, a Beauty Pageant title holder winner, a maven of style and a mistress of manners. Don’t forget to be in a pageant you have to have a talent, not just be exceptionally good looking!
Who were your role models when you were growing up and who do you look up to now?
Vonda Kaye Van Dyke, Miss America 1965, who had one lung removed and went on to be a professional ventriloquist! Mother Theresa, I am inspired by people who changed the world, I am changing the world one homo at a time! And Jesus, because He performed miracles, preached love and wore a dress. You always need to mention Jesus in the pageant, my Church was my sponsor!
If you weren’t doing your act what do you think you could do instead?
Oh wow, well that’s a good question; I can’t imagine not doing my show. Hopefully moving along another career path, such as working the fragrance counter at Sears. I get to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world with my show, I think of how many friends I have made, I have been to every continent except Antarctica,. Maybe I’d write for a magazine. You just ask questions, it’s not like it’s hard, I see you can do it!
30 Years on the throne….what keeps you going?
Of course my Christian faith, my hearty Midwestern constitution and the Pamprin with codeine that I get from Mexico.
Do you feel attitudes in the USA are changing towards the LGBT Community?
First off let’s just say, the homos, use an umbrella world. As the homos are out and about. I think attitudes to them are changing; they are doing things like looking more normal than ever. It used to be that you would walk down the street, see some fellow with vinyl boots, belt and matching handbag and you could draw the conclusion. They are starting to mix, at my show if people bring other friends it helps the homos get together with the hetero folk. The audience at my shows even in P-Town is 50% homos 50% other.
How do you think your show helps change attitudes?
When you share an experience like a show, it helps, I want a mix at my shows, when integrating straight people in, you want to take them somewhere nice, not a leather bar, I wouldn’t take my mother to get spanked. The Manor is a lovely venue; it makes the homo lifestyle more accessible so everyone can make the same poor choices they make. I think it’s wise that you folks let the normal people like me in, as left to your own, you people can make some fairly poor choices. So bring friends from work, or neighbors to the show –any one you think might need a lesson in beauty. I always tell the lesbians to bring the other guys from the construction site! Hell, cross the line outside Wilton manors, see someone on the edge. Grab ‘em, pull ‘em into your car, they will love it. They will only have a few teeth, but bring them to the show, doesn’t matter if they are on drugs. They will love it, especially if they get in free.
What has been your greatest accomplishment within your act?
Not getting arrested! (Laughs) I’m being serious now, oh I know! A couple years ago I was on the Take Boss, a TV show, it is a huge honor when someone sees your show and wants you on TV. The thing I love the most is when people say they had a bad day and I brightened it. That is the best compliment I have ever had. They laughed, they forgot about life for a while and just had fun. I love to show people something they aren’t used to like beauty and grace. I don’t always remember the words to the song, I am still professional.
Looking back over the years what is the most cringe worthy moment of your career?
Nothing to cringe at, since all my performances are ordained from above. But there was the holiday show in Minneapolis when on stage I attempted to do a reveal and accidentally took off both outfits, leaving me as the reveal! But I’m sure that happens to everyone! Though, for the cringe factor; the time I performed at C-Men, it’s short for California men. Of course when you say it… It was a nudist event. I performed in a body suit with appropriately distributed leaves sewn on the suit. I had to really focus, I usually connect with the audience, meet, greet and touch them. This brought a new level. I enjoyed that, it was the reverse of that dream when you walk out naked. The reverse everyone else is naked!
What are your greatest honors?
Working with others, and in Florida that includes GLAAD! GLAAD is a great big group that helps people be nice to you folks, and they’re being real nice to me because they’re selling tickets to my show at their Pride booth on the 12th and 13th! How nice is that?!?
As well as doing a show for 9 people and a baby shower, I am not too proud, some people want fun I’m ok with that. I am here to entertain and have fun.
Any life guide tips for the readers of the Agenda?
Always dab, never rub. Always wear vertical, never wear horizontal. And finally, something my mother said, “Always pack a smile in your handbag, because you can lose your money and you can lose your lipstick, but as long as you have your smile, you’ll be able to find some trucker to give you a ride home!”
Are you excited about performing in Florida?
Yes, I adore Florida. Just because you never get it right in the national elections, doesn’t mean you don’t have lovely weather! You can’t imagine how excited I am, after the cold winter in Minnesota. I better get on bus now actually; I don’t have the money for the express.
I like to stay in Hialeah, so many Mexicans from Cuba there; it’s like a petting zoo, goats and chickens everywhere. They say ‘Hola’, I say ‘Hola’… I don’t even think they understand each other!
What is your mantra?
As Jesus told his disciples at their last lunch, “It’s important to be nice, but it’s nicer to be important!”
Tell us your favorite one liner?
About my lovely hometown of Richfield, Minnesota, “Where butter is a spice and gravy is a beverage!”
What’s next for you?
Money and marriage, I hope! There is only so much beer you can drink out of a can with a butch lesbian on a motorcycle!
Wilton Manors / Ft. Lauderdale
Friday & Saturday,
March 18-19
8 pm
Tickets $25 & VIP $35
Silent Auction & Raffle
benefits GLAAD