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New beginnings, questions, opinions and love

Posted on 10 February 2011

This is my first letter as Editor in Chief of the Florida Agenda, and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Alex Vaughn, I have been a writer and editor for nearly 10 years and am extremely excited to be at the helm of such a popular and important paper in Florida.

Photo: Alex Vaughn, Editor in Chief of the Florida Agenda.

I am delighted that my first issue is our Love issue! As I am greatly looking forward to developing a relationship with the community in which I offer you honest and valid opinions you can trust and a lot of fun! As with all new relationships, you may like or hate my opinions either way I am a staunch believer in open communication. So if you don’t agree with me, feel you have something further to offer, and of course to send me a Valentine’s Day card feel free to drop me an email.

The Florida Agenda delivers the news and opinions of our community and as a result I am striving to address issues and positives that affect us and how we could work together in bettering it. Part and parcel of that agenda is getting you involved through your letters and comments.

In the future I will present hard issues that face us, from homophobia, through to substance abuse, lifestyle, racism, and social opinions. I am looking forward to tackling these in such a widely received publication.

I am also very excited to bring the Florida Agenda to you in its new look. Over the coming weeks in addition to the cutting edge breaking news of the community state wide, you can look forward to seeing some changes through the paper as I introduce a Style section that will encompass your favourites of the Out in Florida and the Arts and Entertainment section, in addition to columns on travel, dining out, recipes and fitness.

So onto the task at hand – The Love Issue. It’s a big one. Valentine’s Day fills us all with mixed emotions, excitement, tingling all over at the prospects and the development of relationships. And of course a little fear, what if I don’t get any Valentines cards? and the worst; What if Valentine already has a date?! Well whichever side of the fence you are on we have you covered! So if you are partnered and want to make this one special, check out our top ten romantic gestures below and if you are free and single and want to plough through this holiday spouting the usual anti Valentine’s day slurs ‘it was invented by ‘Hallmark’ then take a look in our style section and revel in my top ten anti valentine’s day movies and songs!

As this is the Love issue, let’s talk about matters of the heart. What is love? Is it still that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you look across at your partner and can’t believe they chose you? Or, as is so often the case that feeling you get in your throat when you see that the partner you once had has moved on? Either way I believe and hope you do in that old saying; ‘it is better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all.’

With that in mind, and whilst I wrote this column I started wondering about the nuances of relationships here in Florida. After speaking with many people here, there seems to be a lot of animosity towards the idea of even the possibility of achieving and or maintaining a loving relationship.

Is that a reality or do we just comfort ourselves with that as an excuse?

My opinion is it’s a bit of both. We are all afraid of love and of commitment in one way or another, and when we complain about there not being the same minded people out there perhaps we should look closer to home and see what we are putting out there.

A hook up on from a dating site is not likely to make a relationship; neither is taking someone home from the bar on the first night. This valentine’s day, do something different if you are single. Make a date. Arrange a dinner or cocktails and when you have finished and have that warm feeling of a connection, kiss goodnight and go home alone. Try it the old fashioned way, get to know someone first, find out what they value and see if it matches your value sets. It can’t hurt can it? If you have a lost love, leave them lost, if it was meant to be they will find you, but don’t let that hold you back from moving on.

Let’s mend hearts in 2011 not break them.

Alex Vaughn, is the new Editor in
Chief of the Florida Agenda.
Alex can be reached at

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- who has written 3156 posts on Florida Agenda.

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One Response to “New beginnings, questions, opinions and love”

  1. Trevor says:

    Welcome to the neighborhood. Communication with an open and respectful dialog would be a nice change around here. Maybe some Town Hall’s with the City and community sponsored by your organization would go a long way toward you learning about our community and opening that dialog. The area encompasses all the stereotypes that people have come to expect however, it also is fill with normal everyday hard working people who just happen to be gay, bisexual or transgendered.

    Some other non-solicited suggestions; how about a restaurant review sections along with information on their “gay day” or if they are gay owned and or gay friendly. Some in depth bar reviews that are less about the happenings than the vibe and people/workers/owners. Maybe some political “get to know your Representative or who running” information. A organization like yours could make great political inroads to a more cohesiveness between our community and our representatives.

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