Former Local Resident, Terry Kelley Dies from Head Injuries

Posted on 10 February 2011

Former Local Resident, Terry Kelley Dies from Head Injuries


Former Fort Lauderdale resident, Terry Kelley, 34, originally from Pace, Florida, died from a punch in the face and resulting injuries. A Pensacola man has been charged with manslaughter after he allegedly punched Kelley causing the fatal injuries.

Pensacola Police said that Telly Hill, 27 of Pensacola was charged in connection with the incident. Witnesses told police Hill was involved in a minor car crash. When Kelley exited his auto to view the damages, witness said that Hill, who was an occupant of the other car, punched Kelley in the face with his fist. Kelley was described to have fallen to the ground causing a massive head injury and was taken to Baptist Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

Hill is accused of fleeing the scene but was found a few blocks away and is currently being held in Escambia County Jail without bail on manslaughter charges plus drug-related charges and destroying evidence.

Kelley graduated from Pace’s Central High School and was a native and lifelong resident of Santa Rosa County, Florida and was described as having lived life to the fullest.

One Response to “Former Local Resident, Terry Kelley Dies from Head Injuries”

  1. Jessica Valdes says:

    I was a friend of Terrys, we went to high school togrther. He was a true friend, if there is anything I can do for his family I would like to help in any way. I would like to know when the funeral will be and if it will be in Pensacola or Tampa.
    Thank you,


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