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Uganda court: Media cannot ‘out’ gay Ugandans

Posted on 06 January 2011

KAMPALA, Uganda – Gays and lesbians in Uganda have received a reprieve from Uganda’s High Court in a ruling that states that the media should not publish the names and photos of gay Ugandans. Following a vitriolic campaign which urged citizens to hang those featured.

Justice Kibuuka Musoke ordered Uganda’s Rolling Stone magazine to pay $650 in damages and court costs for each of the three men who sued the magazine after their names were listed in the magazine last October. In all, 100 Ugandan’s were listed, and some claim they were attacked after being listed. Some of the men’s names appeared beneath a banner that read, “Hang them.”

It is illegal to be homosexual in Uganda, and the ill treatment of gays in the country has led to an outcry from gay and equal rights groups.

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