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Brian Neal Fitness ‘FREE’ 12 Week Bootcamp

Posted on 31 December 2010

Brian Neal Fitness  ‘FREE’ 12 Week Bootcamp

Brian Neal Fitness is proud to announce the ” Brian Neal Fitness 12 Week Boot Camp” FREE of charge to the community.

Brian Neal for the past 7 years has been helping people of all fitness levels through his 12 week boot camps. ” Helping the LGBT community to have the opportunity to live a happy,healthy and fit lifestyle is my life passion. It is important to me that everyone can participate”.

Brian Neal Fitness is in the process of creating a 501-C3 non profit organization to ensure all people regardless of their financial position in life can have access to personalized fitness programs to ensure they are living the healthiest life possible and achieving their maximum level of good health through diet and exercise and life changing” Life coaching” programs.

Ed Cook celebrity life fitness coach will be working with Brian Neal at all workouts bringing his dynamic enthusiasm and expertise to every workout. ” Having Ed working with me to give back to the community makes this 12 week program extra special. The way he motivates and educates people how to make life changes on the inside and out is incredible”

Boot Camp details will be forwarded to all participants upon Brian Neal Fitness receiving online registration. Boot Camp is limited to 50 participants.

Fill Out the Form Below to Sign Up Now!

OR CALL For further information or to register (954) 816-0237

Group workout is held 3 days per week.
Monday 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Wednesday 4:30 PM-5:30PM
Saturday 10AM-11AM.

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