Peach melba

Posted on 30 December 2010

Peach melba


Peach melba


  • 4 fresh ripe peaches
  • 1/2 lb fresh (or frozen) raspberries (or jam)
  • 4 oz caster sugar
  • 1 pint creamy vanilla ice cream
  • 2 soup spoons of dry cherry brandy
  • 1 oz thin slices of roasted almonds


  • Dip the peaches in boiling water for 30 seconds, rinse and cool down in chilled water, cut in 2 halves, core and peel them carefully and put them face down on a plate.
  • Make a light syrup with the 2/3 of the sugar and the quantity of water necessary to cover the peaches; heat the sugared water and let it boil for three minutes.
  • Pour the cherry brandy into the syrup, carefully put the peaches into it and poach them gently for five to 10 minutes according to the degree of maturity of the fruit.
  • Take the fruit out of the syrup and put them flat side down on drain until they come to room temperature.
  • Mash the raspberries together with the remaining 1/3 of the sugar, using a fork (or just use raspberry jam).
  • Put the raspberry purée, the half peaches and four empty service cups into the fridge.
  • When time for dessert comes, put into each cup. First, a scoop of ice cream, then 2 halves of poached peaches topped with some raspberry purée and a few almond slices on top and serve quickly. You can also top with whipped cream, because remember, you are the chef.
  • Bon Appétit!

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