For one day last week, gays and lesbians were permitted to openly serve in the United States military, however, one day after “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” became the former law of the land, the Obama Justice Department successfully petitioned the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for an emergency stay of U.S. District Court Judge Virginia Phillip’s injunction against DADT. Despite Obama’s repeated statements against DADT and continuing saying he supports doing away with the law, White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett said on CNN, “You know what, the Justice Department is required to defend the law…. Believe me, we wish there were another way because the President has been so clear. And I think there are many members of the gay community who actually understand this and who are working with us to try to put pressure on Congress to repeal it. It’s clear that the vast majority of American people think that it should not be the law.
And we are determined to have Congress revoke it. But we have to go through that orderly process.”