Last weekend saw the crowning of Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall locally, but that’s peanuts compared to the competition that the city of Montreal, Canada is staging. The first ever Queer of the Year is going to be crowned this summer!
Everyone in the LGBT community is eligible to enter. First visit www.QueerOfTheYearContest.com to read all the rules and legal documents. Then create a one-minute video showcasing why you should hold the title of Queer of the Year. The judges are looking for people with personality, talent, sex appeal, a sense of community and someone who maintains a healthy lifestyle.
“The Queer of the Year is definitely a do-er. He/she is, of course, a pioneer of LGBT rights, but is also an active member of the broader community – speaking out on local issues and getting involved in any way they can to make the world a better place. Whether it’s fundraising for local charities, or organizing clean-ups around their city, we’re looking for a Queer of the Year with a heart of gold.”
Next upload the video to Youtube and go back to the QOTY website to create a profile and fill out an application. The top 20 videos with the most votes will be interviewed by a panel of judges. Of that group, five will be flown into Montreal to compete for the QOTY crown during Montreal’s gay pride week (August 9-16). The five finalists will get an expenses paid trip and will compete in several different competitions, live on webcam.
The person with the most votes by the end of the competition will be crowned Queer of the Year! All videos must be uploaded now, and the ones that have the most votes by July 15 will qualify for the top 20 semifinals round.
Montreal is one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in North America. Their St. Catherine Street is closed down to vehicular traffic during the entire summer, so it becomes a huge haven for mayhem during the gay pride week. A free trip to this beautiful French paradise in North America is certainly worth the effort to win this competition. Good luck to all South Florida applicants!