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From Snowboarding to Acting on the Boards:

Posted on 17 May 2010

From Snowboarding to Acting on the Boards:

A Young Actor’s Journey


Spent two years studying
marketing at the
University of Florida

Received his
Bachelor’s Degree in
Political Affairs and
International Affairs
from the University of
Colorado in Boulder

Got his acting start in
Rising Action Theater’s
production of ‘Bent’.

Sometimes you have to take a winding road to find what you want to do with your life.

Such is the case for John McGlothlin, a young actor in south Florida who’s received excellent reviews for his first two stage rolls – playing gay characters both times.

Currently he’s in “The Sum of Us” at the Rising Action Theater playing the son whose father is way too accepting of his sexual orientation. Previously he appeared in “Bent” at the same theater, a drama set in a concentration camp that tells the almost unknown story of how homosexuals were persecuted in Nazi Germany.

In both productions reviewers picked out his performance for particular praise, even though he was performing with more seasoned actors. Yet, it was only three years ago that McGlothlin finally took his first step on what he calls his “life-long secret desire” to be an actor.

Born in Dearborn, Michigan, his family moved to Florida when he was eight, but neither in high school or college did he go near an audition. He attributes this partially to being shy and partially to the fact that he was so involved with soccer, basketball and hockey.

After two years studying marketing at the University of Florida, John became in his own words, ” a ski bum,” snowboarding five days a week at the Heavenly Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe, Utah.

Wanting to finish his college degree but also wanting to continue with winter sports, he transferred to the University of Colorado in Boulder and changed his degree to Political Science and International Affairs.

While there, one of the two things that changed his life happened when a snowboarding accident sent him head first into a tree stump. John broke his collar bone, his back, and compressed L3 vertebrae, almost paralyzing him for life.

“Going through such an experience rearranged my perspective and priorities,” he said, but it would still be awhile before he found the career that would elicit all his passion and enthusiasm.

Having become disillusioned with politics during his university studies, he returned to Delray Beach and to an equally disappointing job with a mortgage company.

It was during this time that John had the second life-changing experience when a woman he’d been living with left him, causing him to finally act on that long buried impulse to act. Through an internet search he found an acting class led by Jane Kelly in Deerfield Beach, and by the fourth week, “I was hooked.”

Finding in acting the focus and fascination he didn’t find in marketing or political science, John has honed his craft not only with these stage roles, but also in college student films and locally made commercials. The next project is an independent movie comedy called “Weed Zombies,” where he will play the lead. They hope to begin shooting this summer in the Miami area.

“Being an actor,” McGlothlin said, “sates all of my senses simultaneously. It’s challenging, even daunting at times, but being able to experience true emotions in imaginary situations is an incredible feeling.”

John McGlothlin can be seen in the comedy “The Sum of Us” until May 30, performances are Thursday through Sunday. The Rising Action Theater is located at 840 East Oakland Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased by calling 800.595.4849 or at their website,

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